The Knox County SWCD 2021-22 Board of Supervisors and Associates.
Back row, from left to right: Jim Farris, Andy Like, Ray Chattin, Jason Misiniec, Mike Brocksmith, and Rich Chattin
Front row, from left to right: Gene Flaningam, Dena Held, and Jen Holscher
Board of Supervisors
In Indiana, a Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a governmental sub-division of state government. There are 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts in the state with each district aligned with its respective county boundaries. The official governing body of a district consists of five supervisors. Three are elected (one each year for a three-year term) at an annual meeting of land occupiers held in January, February, or March. Two are appointed (also for staggered three-year terms) by the State Soil Conservation Board based upon recommendations of the leadership in the district. Thus, selection of all five supervisors is based on input from the local people they serve. As public officials responsible to the district and state, supervisors are required to subscribe to a standard public oath of office.
2021 Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District
Board of Supervisors
Jim Farris, Chairman
Gene Flaningam, Vice Chairman
Andy Like, Treasurer
Dena Held, Member
Jason Misiniec, Member
Mike Brocksmith, Associate Supervisor
Ray Chattin, Associate Supervisor
Rich Chattin, Associate Supervisor
Jen Holscher, Associate Supervisor
Supervisors’ Job Description
- Identify local soil, water and related natural resource concerns, set natural resource priorities, and then develop, implement and evaluate long and short range plans and programs to address these prioritized resource concerns.
- Participate in appropriate multi-district activities such as watershed projects, river basin projects, resource conservation and development efforts, and multi-district educational efforts such as field days, workshops, and seminars.
- Educate and inform landowners and operators, general public, and local, state, and federal officials and legislators on conservation issues and programs.
- Seek funding and coordinate program assistance from local, state and federal sources, commercial sources, charities, and private groups and individuals.
- Administer the SWCD programs and activities by delegating tasks through a structure of SWCD supervisors, staff, committees and volunteers.
- Supervise SWCD staff and volunteers working with the SWCD, and coordinate conservation efforts with cooperating agency personnel.
- Manage all district-owned funds, facilities and equipment.
The Associate Supervisors Role in the District
Becoming an Associate Supervisor is quite simple. To be an Associate Supervisor the only requirements are to live within the county lines of the district you wish to serve and to have an interest in the purpose of the Soil and Water Conservation District. If you meet those requirements the board will vote on allowing the addition of an associate. An Associate Supervisors main duty is provide input and ideas during board meetings. Associate Supervisors do not have voting power like the Elected and Appointed Supervisors do, however their input is helpful to those with voting power. Very often Associate Supervisors will go on to be Elected or Appointed Supervisors.
We hold monthly meetings that are open to the public the third Wednesday of every month starting at 7 AM at our office (604 S. Quail Run Rd., Vincennes, IN 47591).*
*Unless otherwise posted.
For information on how to become an SWCD Supervisor or an Associate Supervisor contact a staff member at the Knox County Soil and Water Conservation District via our Contact us tab on this web site. |