Save Our Landscapes Workday Gallery
Map of Stewardship Workday Locations
Photos from Workdays
Stewardship Workday at Pyramid Mound 11/18/17
Smile for the camera!
VU students hard at work!
Removing some large invasive shrubs.
Group photo in front of the large brush pile.
Stewardship Workday at Pyramid Mound 3/4/17
Using a chainsaw on the big ones!
Assessing the situation
Hard at work
A group effort
The process
The finished result
Wintercreeper Workday at Gregg Park 11/19/16
Group photo at the end!
Ax action shot!
Some of the biggest wintercreeper vines on one of the park’s cottonwoods.
Wintercreeper covering a hackberry in the park.
Some of the bigger vines that were removed over the course of the workday.
This vine actually was growing through the tree’s bark!
The wintercreeper starting to die back after being cut and treated.
Pulling for Bats Workday at Ouabache Trails 10/31/16
Showing the difference between Dogwoods and Bush honeysuckles
Lovely morning to work
Action shot
Blackhaw found while working
Action shot II
Action shot III
Eastern Wahoo found during the workday
Presenting on bats and invasive species
Action shot IV
Action shot V
Action shot VI
A nice patch of Hairy Wood Mint
A beautiful shot of the sun streaming through the forest
Camp Wildwood Workday 9/24/16
Before Workday
Before Workday
Before Workday
Demo: Before
Demo: after
Invasive management sign up at Camp Wildwood
Brush pile created with invasive shrubs
After Workday
After Workday
After Workday
Bare ground caused by ABH
Trying to wade through the brush
Weed Warriors!
Group Photo
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