We are currently asking for volunteers to form a steering committee for the Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed Project. If you live or own property in the watershed, perhaps you would like to join our committee. If you are interested, please contact the SWCD office at (812) 882-8210 x3 for more information. We plan to… Continue reading
Day: March 21, 2022
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: February 2022 Update
A Quality Assurance Project Plan is being written in order to meet requirements for the 319 Grant for Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek watersheds. This Plan includes the water testing that will be done starting in April. The parameters that will be sampled using a handheld meter include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, flow, turbidity, conductivity, salinity,… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: January 2022 Update
The Knox County SWCD has recently hired Christopher Nettles as the Watershed Specialist. A 319 Grant was just awarded by IDEM in December and the project will be focusing on Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek watersheds. The purpose a 319 Grant is to assess water quality within a watershed. IDEM had previously listed Snapp and Kelso… Continue reading