Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: July 2022 Update
I am continuing to monitor water quality and will be adding data as I sample. I have set up a site where the data can be viewed at: https://tinyurl.com/y38j9kjv . We had a great Hoosier Riverwatch Workshop at Ouabache Trails Park and will be planning another one for next year. We will be having our… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: June 2022 Update
We will be hosting a Hoosier Riverwatch Workshop at Ouabache Trails Park this Wednesday, June 29th from 9:30-3:30. This free event will teach you about water quality testing, aquatic macroinvertebrates (which are bugs that live in the water), and habitat assessment. We will start out the morning in the nature center and then after the… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: May 2022 Update
Water Quality Monitoring is underway. We are planning another steering committee meeting in June and a Hoosier Riverwatch Event for the end of June, with more details to follow. If you haven’t heard of Hoosier Riverwatch, their mission is: To involve the citizens of Indiana in becoming active stewards of Indiana’s water resources through watershed… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: April 2022 Update
The Quality Assurance Project Plan has been approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). This means that we will be able to start water quality monitoring this month and will continue monthly for 1.5 years. The Steering Committee will have its first meeting on 4/6/2022 at 5:00 at the VU Ag Center. This… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: March 2022 Update
We are currently asking for volunteers to form a steering committee for the Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed Project. If you live or own property in the watershed, perhaps you would like to join our committee. If you are interested, please contact the SWCD office at (812) 882-8210 x3 for more information. We plan to… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: February 2022 Update
A Quality Assurance Project Plan is being written in order to meet requirements for the 319 Grant for Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek watersheds. This Plan includes the water testing that will be done starting in April. The parameters that will be sampled using a handheld meter include temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, flow, turbidity, conductivity, salinity,… Continue reading
Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek Watershed: January 2022 Update
The Knox County SWCD has recently hired Christopher Nettles as the Watershed Specialist. A 319 Grant was just awarded by IDEM in December and the project will be focusing on Snapp/Kelso and Smalls Creek watersheds. The purpose a 319 Grant is to assess water quality within a watershed. IDEM had previously listed Snapp and Kelso… Continue reading
We are looking for Summer Interns!
The Knox County SWCD is looking for an intern or two this summer for natural resource conservation related work, including invasive plant removal, native plant production, native plantings, and other tasks. The application deadline is April 22nd. Click here for a full position description. Contact Will Drews at willem.drews@in.nacdnet.net if you have any questions.
Upcoming Grow City Workshop
The Grow City Workshops have returned! If you’re interested in backyard gardening, check this workshop out! What: Spring into Gardening: A Grow City 2022 Workshop where participants will learn about planning and problem-solving for their gardens. Where: Knox County Public Library, 502 N 7th St., Vincennes, IN. The workshop will take place in the library’s… Continue reading