Purdue Extension is hosting an irrigation workshop at the SW Purdue Ag Center (4669 N Purdue Rd., Vincennes, IN) on Thursday, March 15th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Here’s a draft agenda:
8:30 a.m. – Welcome
9:00 a.m.
Irrigation Scheduling (Lyndon Kelley)
Checkbook Irrigation Scheduling
Soil Moisture Monitoring
Interpreting and integrating results
Indiana Water Policy and Irrigation Implications (Lyndon Kelley)
Riparian doctrine, water rights conflicts
Registration and reporting requirements
Recent changes for significate water withdrawals
Using Irrigation for Fertilizer and Chemical Application (Lyndon Kelley)
Chemigation equipment, backflow and required safety equipment
Irrigation for germination and incorporating chemicals
10:30 – Break
10:45 a.m.
The Indiana LENK Group (Todd Feenstra)
Know the Pumping Impacts of Your Irrigation Well: Practical and Cost–Effective Monitoring (Todd Feenstra)
Best Management Practices for Irrigated Field Crop Production (Valerie Clingerman)
See full flyer here.